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Student Placements


The Leicestershire Nutrition and Dietetic Service is committed to the training of the future profession and provides a number of practice placements for students undertaking pre-registration courses in dietetics at UK universities.
The Leicestershire training programme is approved by the Health Professions Council.  Placements A, B and C are provided as part of the undergraduate degree or post graduate courses and are offered across the full range of health care settings (secondary care, primary care and public health).
Information about practice placements for Dietitians across the UK can be found by clicking on the following link:-


Below is some useful travel information for students in Leicestershire.

Link to UHL website, which gives lots of useful links including the hospital hopper bus.
Telephone 08457 48 49 50
Customer Care 0844 800 4411
Traveline 0871 200 22 33
Between 7.00-21.00 Monday-Sunday

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