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Eating for Health

Link to the Public section of our website with available resources


Healthy Eating progress chart

To be used by Dietitians and Practice Nurses with individuals to monitor their dietary intake


Minerals - Iron

Dietary sources of iron in the diet


Minerals - Magnesium 

Good sources of magnesium in the diet

Minerals - Calcium
Good sources of calcium in the diet and how to ensure you are getting enough.

Are you getting enough Folate? (Folic Acid) 
Good sources of folic acid in the diet.

Vitamins - D
A link to the NHS page on Vitamin D



child eatingHealthy diet and lifestyle.

The NHS Eatwell webite has lots of inofrmation about the Eatwell guide and portions.


The NHS Livewell Website has activities, information and resources for a healthy and Active Lifestyle, for children, teenagers and adults.


British Nutrition Foundation - Follow this link for information on Healthy Eating through Life - from babies, teenagers, adults, post menopausal and into later life.